What is the Anchor Boys?
The Anchor Section is the youngest section in the BB and is for children in P1 to P3 inclusive.
We meet on Mondays between 6:00pm and 7:00pm
What do they do?
The Anchor Section has lots of fun doing different activities which include making things, crafts, music, games, sports, stories, going on visits and making friends.
Everything a child in the Anchor Section does helps them to develop and to think for themselves, in a safe environment.
What else do I need to know?
The Anchor Section wear a red sweatshirt. As everyone wears the same thing they feel as though they belong. However nobody is excluded because they do not have the right clothes.
How long do they meet for?
The weekly section meeting runs for 1 hour from 6:00pm and 7:00pm each Monday.
Here is a video about the Boys Brigade in scotland and what the anchor boys do. It includes interviews with anchor boys from across scotland on what they like about being in the Boys Brigade.