Document Store.
This page holds our important documents, policies and regulations. Please feel free to browse through the information. If you have any questions, please do contact us.
If you are looking for new joiner or annual enrollment forms these can be found on our "Registration and Fees" page.
Our Policies and regulations?
The Boys’ Brigade has a comprehensive set of policies and regulations to ensure that our work with children and young people is safe, consistent and in accordance with legislation.
Please select this link to view documents covering our ...
Safeguarding Policy
Equal Opportunities Policy
Safety Policy
Data Protection Policy
Intellectual Property Notice
GDPR and Data Protection
The 2nd Airdrie BB are committed to collecting and retaining data in line with the recently introduced GDPR legislation. In this respect, the The Boys’ Brigade is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO). This registration covers all companies of the BB.
We have introduced a new Data Protection Policy and Privacy (Fair Processing) Notice which gives clear information about the way we collect, process, store and retain personal data.
Should you have any questions about GDPR and data protection please contact the BB Data Protection Representative at BB Headquarters by email dataprotection@boys-brigade.org.uk or call 01442 231 681.